Service to others is an integral part of who we are as a community of faith. We offer a number of ways to get involved.

Serving our congregation
Through Called to Care (C2C) members of our church play a central role in providing support to one another during times of need.

Serving our community
While anchored in downtown Lebanon on historic Colburn Park, First Congregational sees the entire Upper Valley as its neighborhood. Our church is pleased to be a partner of the
Listen Center, the Haven, Ten Bricks, the Headrest Center and Habitat for Humanity. (links below)

On the fourth Sunday of each month members of our church prepare and serve a Community Dinner for our neighbors. Forty to sixty guests come to share a delicious hot meal, hospitality, and fellowship.

Each year, we join with other churches in the Upper Valley, and throughout the country, in the
CROP Walk for Food, to raise both funds and awareness to combat hunger. FCC Lebanon is also proud to be a location/rest stop for the Bike and Build group. This year more than 20 enthusiastic, civic minded college students participated in the Bike and Build community work project in Lebanon at the beginning of their cross country journey of cycling and service.

Serving our world
Our church has long supported Church World Service and the UCC’s global ministries program.

We have a long-standing and deepening tie to the community of San Jose Villuanueva in El Salvador, where we have been privileged to help support a local school. In October 2014 nine members of our congregation will travel to SJV to build a house for a local family.

As Christians, we also takes seriously our responsibility for caring for creation. For more, please click the
Caring for Creation button on the right side of this page.

Please click on our partners logos to view their websites:
listen heaven headresthh
bikenbuildcropWalk cws ucc