Caring for Creation
The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it,    the world, and those who live in it; for he has founded it on the seas,    and established it on the rivers – Psalm 24:1-2

In Genesis 1:29-30, God gives “dominion” of the earth and all that is in it to humanity. For a very long time, many Christians have interpreted this charge to mean that we have license to do as we please with Creation. But what does it mean for humans to have dominion over something if we’re created in God’s image? After all, Christians believe that God came to us in Jesus, whose idea of being a king was expressed in a ministry devoted to healing, serving, and saving humanity. In this light, dominion over the earth doesn’t mean that the world is here to be exploited; instead, it’s to be cared for.

At First Congregational Church, we believe that our call as Christians involves caring for God’s creation. We are looking at ways, small and large, to be better stewards of what has been entrusted to our care.

Part of being good stewards is being informed. We hope you find these resources informative and inspirational.

Our denomination, the UCC, has a number of environmental ministries:

Earth Ministry is a non-profit organization committed to engaging the Christian community in environmental stewardship:

The Church of England’s “Shrinking the Footprint” campaign is a practical effort to help churches reduce their carbon footprints:

The Episcopal Ecological Network seeks to inform and equip people to care for the environment:

Christianity Today offers ongoing coverage on Creation Care/Stewardship of the Environment:

The website for, which is dedicated to bringing CO2 in the atmosphere down to 350 parts per million (it’s currently at an unsustainable 392 ppm):

Ever wonder where your old computer or mobile phone go when you’re done with them? This New York Times Magazine slide show answers the question—and the answer isn’t pretty. Our penchant for shiny new gadgets has a high environmental cost, one that’s being paid by our neighbors in Ghana: