Pastoral Care

The pastor visits with people in their homes, in the hospital, and at the church. If you would like to arrange a visit or talk on the phone, please call the pastor at (603-448-4281) or send him an email (

Called to Care

The Called to Care (C2C) ministry provides support and prayer to those in need through visits, cards, and calls. Please contact the church administrator if you wish to have our Called to Care ministry follow up with you.

Prayer Circle

Everyone is welcome to be a part of the Prayer Circle; in fact, we encourage you to join.

The Circle is designed and arranged for praying specifically for individuals and families who are coping with issues such as illness, death of a loved one, loss of work, or for whatever reason someone requests special prayers.

The “Circle” is formed by the leader of the group calling another member and that member calling the next, in an assigned order, until all members have been notified. It is a means of serving on an individual basis rather than a gathered group setting.

Prayers may be requested by calling the Pastor or the leader of the group. Likewise, if you wish to join the group, you may contact the Pastor or the leader.