What to Expect

When You Visit
Visitors are always welcome! The service typically lasts one hour, somewhat longer on Communion Sundays.

When You Arrive
When you come in the front doors, there will be friendly people ready to welcome you. They will provide you with a bulletin with the order of worship and answer any questions that you might have. You may sit anywhere in the sanctuary.

If you have pre-school children, the ushers can direct you to the nursery and pre-school. Kids begin the worship service with their families and leave for their classes after the Children’s Moment. On your first visit, feel free to leave the service with your children to get them settled in their classes and then return for the remainder of the service.

During the Service
The order of worship and directions from the worship leaders will guide you through the service. An asterisk indicates that the congregation is invited to stand. Each pew rack contains a Bible and two hymnals: the red Pilgrim Hymnal (UCC, 1958) and the black New Century Hymnal (UCC, 1995). The order of worship will indicate which hymnal is being used.

The musical prelude begins a few minutes before the service. Sunday services typically include four congregational hymns, an introit and an anthem. It is our congregation’s custom to remain seated and listen to the brief postlude. We ask that people not applaud.

We invite you to sign the guest book that is located in the entry. If you wish to request information about a special ministry or receive a call from a pastor, fill out one of the cards found in the pews and drop it in the offering plate.

We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month and all, including children, are welcome to participate. Bread and juice are passed to the pews and instructions are printed in the bulletin. (Gluten-free bread is available for those in need.)

After the Service
You are invited to come to the parish hall for a time of fellowship and refreshments. The parish hall is accessed through the door to the left of the pulpit. School age children will be brought to the parish hall from their classes to meet their parents. Parents of pre-schoolers should pick up their children in their classes immediately after the service before returning to the parish hall for fellowship.

Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Reflecting the boundless love of God as shown in Jesus, ours is an open table. Wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are welcome to join us in sharing the Lord’s Supper.